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  2. Maxxtools

Die Firma hat ihren Sitz in Houthalen, Belgien

Die Botschaft des Händlers

MaxxTools has 5 house brands and we would like to briefly introduce them to you: Under MaxxHome you will find various products such as; dustbins, insect killers, electric heaters, kitchen accessories and so much more. MaxxGarden is MaxxHome's little brother, helping you with everything you need in the garden. From party tents, beautification to luxurious lounge sets. MaxxPet is our pet specialty brand where you can find cat scratching posts, dog beds but also, for example, grooming tables. MaxxToys is happy to help you with toys such as teddy bears but also, for example, basketball stands or ping-pong tables. And then you have our oldest brand among the house brands, Maxx. Under Maxx, you will find everything from tools to tool trolleys, as well as our own chainsaws and other tools. In short; the best products, sufficient supply and something for everyone with an eye for quality!


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Wie kann ich ein Produkt zurücksenden?
Das ist ganz einfach: Klicken Sie unter "Meine Bestellung" auf "Mein Produkt zurücksenden", um die Anweisungen für die Retoure zu erhalten.

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